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A Ceramic Legacy: Preserving Lamista Traditions

In the heart of the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, the Lamista culture treasures an ancient tradition of native ceramic art that has been handed down through generations. However, neglect and waning interest among the youth have threatened its survival. This project aims to breathe new life into this centuries-old craft, ensuring that its cultural heritage endures and thrives for future generations.

Empowering Lamistas Through Ceramic Art

Revitalizing the rich ceramic legacy of the Lamistas will not only ensure the continuation of traditional craftsmanship, but will also impact the community and its people in meaningful ways. This initiative presents an opportunity for economic growth, both collectively and individually. It will create and promote an inclusive environment where children and adults can engage in this cultural tradition, experiencing the empowerment and satisfaction it offers.

Pottery Workshops: Fostering Tradition, Inclusivity, and Economic Growth

In collaboration with artisan masters from the Kichwa native community of Wayku, this project will be implementing pottery workshops in the town of Lamas, in the San Martin region. The aim is to create products that preserve ancestral knowledge, using clay as the primary material and natural earth pigments to paint the ceramics.Each item will be crafted from natural materials that will be provided free of charge, ensuring economic accessibility for all participants.

These ceramics workshops will include participation from the girls, boys, and young people of the community, and is especially inclusive to those in the community with disabilities. The workshop aims to foster creativity and community engagement while preserving traditional ceramic arts.

To ensure sustainability, the project has active support from local authorities, enabling young people to develop and showcase their products while accessing sales and promotion opportunities.This support expands their market reach, ensuring the project not only preserves and celebrates traditions but also fosters a continuous cycle of economic and cultural development.

Uniting Tradition and Future: A Lasting Legacy

This collaboration aims to revitalize the ancestral legacy of the Lamistas by providing resources and expertise to ensure the continuation of this rich cultural heritage. By teaching ceramic product creation, we empower youth to generate income and contribute to their economic development. The workshop unites the community, reconnects individuals with their cultural roots, promotes inclusion, and offers economic opportunities for the future of our youth. Our network of institutional and community support guarantees the long-term success of this initiative.

A fundraising campaign for the project “Building an Inclusive Future Through Ceramics” seeks to raise a modest amount of funds to make the project a reality. Even a small contribution will go a long way. To donate:

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Rainforest Pharmacy Revamped: A New Era Begins

We are thrilled to announce that Rainforest Pharmacy is undergoing an exciting revamp, complete with a fresh new look. This transformation is not just about aesthetics—it represents our commitment to enhancing your overall experience and deepening our relationship with our valued customers and users.

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Kichwa-Lamistas of the Peruvian Amazon

In an area bordering the Andean and Amazonian zones of northern Peru, an indigenous people of the highland forests are known as “Lamistas” or “Kichwa-Lamistas”. The name Kichwa simply refers to the Quechuan language of Amazonia which they speak and Lamistas to the city of Lamas in San Martin Province where they reside [1]; however, these people currently prefer to be called “Keshwa Lamas” [2].

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Here you will find some answers to your main questions about us and our products.

Suggested usages are found on our product labels and online. They are intended towards an average adult on an average 2,000 calorie diet. We always welcome our customers to adjust dosages until they reach the recommended suggested dosage for each product.

Each dropper is calibrated and shows the amount of milliliters (mL). You may also use a teaspoon to help you measure. Please see the charts below to help guide you.

Bottle Size Total Milliliters (mL) Total Drops Total Teaspoons (tsp)
2 oz. 60 mL 1,200 drops 12 tsp
4 oz. 120 mL 2,400 drops 24 tsp
Milliliter (mL) Drop Teaspoon (tsp) Dropperful
1 mL 20 drops tsp 1 dropperful
2 mL 40 drops tsp 2 dropperfuls
3 mL 60 drops tsp 3 dropperfuls
4 mL 80 drops tsp 4 dropperfuls
5 mL 100 drops 1 tsp 5 dropperfuls

It is mostly preference. Some customers have shared that they find that the liquid is absorbed by the body quicker than the capsules. However, it is mostly preference and convenience when it comes down to taste, ease of use, etc. Please note that our tinctures contain Pure Cane Alcohol and water.

Our herbal powders can be treated just as any other herbal tea. Please see the suggested usage under the product page for instructions on how to prepare a herbal decoction for your herbal powder.

Please store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. For our liquid products, you may store them in your refrigerator if desired.

Please note that our herbal products do not “go bad” if properly stored. Generally the shelf life for herbal supplements is 3 to 4 years, which is reset after the product is retested. For this reason we believe it best to show the date that each product was manufactured. This provides you with a better understanding of when the product was made/prepared and allows us to better monitor our products to ensure that you are continuously receiving high quality herbs that meet our standards.